We Got Purpose Covered!

It seems once we get to a “certain age” (puleeease!) discussions and thoughts  begin about a life’s purpose (I guess it's better than gallbladders?)

For example, my Empty Nest / Midlife clients and friends do begin to circle around a renewed purpose. Once they find themselves looking at the empty rooms or considering retirement options (AARP anyone?) they look around and wonder, “Now What?”

This isn't reserved for only my mature clients and friends, my youngster clients and friends also wrestle with “My Purpose.” They reach for books, self help courses, meditation, church, volunteer programs.

Searching for something they already have!

We tend to make it complicated, but it’s not.  

Here’s what I now.

Purpose is defined as a reason why something exists. Your purpose is the reason why you exist. It’s that simple…… 

 …..It’s not what you do, it's who you are.

Yup, read that again! 

I tend to think of it as the spirit of you. That certain undeniable quality that is YOU. You don’t have to earn it, bargain for it, hustle for it, or pretend.

Living a purposeful life  doesn’t have to look like Archbishop Desmond Tutu or Mother Teresa either. It has to do with you doing you. 

“Our purpose on this planet is to evolve into the best version of ourselves we can be.”    -Brook Castillo. 

And isn’t that good news? I can’t do it anywhere as well as you can. And visa versa. Our purpose is ours alone.

“Your Purpose; Your Way”


Striving to Thriving


Why you don’t need the do-over!