Trust me on this one!

Have you ever waited for the right time? To get married, have children, go back to school, change jobs, retire, get a divorce, change careers, write the book, buy the house, take the vacation, you get the idea. I always thought there was a right time for things. 

My very favorite verse from the Bible is from Ecclesiastes 3, To Everything There is a Season. It makes sense to my brain. It’s an ordered view of life. And I do believe that there is a season for everything we do in our lives, but what I  also know now is, there is no perfect time for that season.

I like the Ecclesiastes verse because it validates our humanity, both extraordinary and messy. But it doesn’t say wait for the perfect time to be in your “season”. 

Don’t put off feeling proud of yourself or worthy until after you’ve lost the weight, repaired a relationship, raised the children, saved the money, gotten the promotion. Do it now.

There is no right time. No time will be better than now. Do you know how I know this? Because I did it when I entered my certification work for life coaching. I did it when I was caring for my elderly parents and had to make decisions and arrangements. I did it when I addressed my chronic back pain (after hoping it would just go away.) I did it when I learned how to feed my body so as I age, I remain mobile and healthy.  I did it when I created this email series. as I launched my coaching practice. Heck, I did it yesterday when I got my body moving when I didn’t want to. I realized that:

  • There will always be other things to do (probably easier ones)

  • I will always be busy

  • I won’t be more ready later on

Stay with me. No one else will tell you when its your time. They are not supposed to, you are. And  guess what else I know… Your growth begins when your comfort ends! Shazam!

What’s the next step for you to get where you want to go? I have a sticky note on my computer it says. “Figure it out and do the next next thing”. It prompts me to continue with my work each day, even though I may not have the “how” of it yet.  Ok I rarely have the “how” of it ahead of time.

Each time I do press forward I get that much closer, and solutions tend to reveal themselves because I am “in it.”

“The Riskiest Thing You Can Do in Life is to Never Take a Calculated Risk.” -Omar Itani

Momentum is a game changer.  But here's  the thing about momentum: it waits for YOU to begin….not the other way around.  So where to start?  To begin, keep these 3 things in mind:

  • First, lose the stories about why you haven't done it yet. Thoughts about you and anyone else you might be attaching to this. They are just stories, and shame and blame and yes, fear haven't been helpful, (they never will.)  Ask yourself: “who cares?”

  • Second, to be sustainable, start small.  Do just 1 it today. Ask yourself what is the the first step, (not the whole hairy project, but that first step.) If you are feeling it's too big, then make little steps out that. Make the phone call , google and research “the thing”,   schedule the appointment, or lunch,  walk around the block, write the card.

  • Third,  feel proud of yourself for making progress, and being good to yourself in the process. The better you are at being good to yourself during the ups and downs, the better you are at the ups and downs. That one's free!

What will the rest of the year bring for you? More accurately asked, “What will you bring forth with the rest of the year?" You got this! 

And as always, if you want my help to get going, schedule a free (zoom) call with me. I love this stuff!


Provisional Happiness


5 Things I Wish I Learned Earlier