Stuck Much?
What is all this business about being stuck?
Honestly (and I am aware this is most likely my coaching community) everything I read, and hear people going on about is being stuck.
And if you think about it, the idea or description of stuck is really never good. Stuck in an airport. Stuck in traffic. Stuck on hold. It depicts the ceasing of motion or momentum. So when people refer to themselves as stuck, I like to craft a different way to look at it.
Stuck can be a temporary pause. It can be the time in-between as you shift gears. Stuck can be a re-grouping and re-ordering of priorities. It can be a respite as you wait for a partner or someone to join you. Stuck can be the moment before it all turns around.
I caution the label of stuck, it really has a dream killer quality. So why would people wear it like a coat? Same goes for overwhelmed, confused, discouraged. Just looking for a reason not to try? My antidote is Perspective. That’s what I like to apply.
I wrote a social post the other week, in it I offered six things I’d tell my younger self. (Now that I know better, ok SHOULD know better. I always tell you I am a work in progress too.)
If I could whisper in her ear, I’d say….
…In times of struggle. “This won’t be as big tomorrow.”
…In times of joy. “Remember this feeling, it’ll sustain you when you need it.”
…In times of confusion.”You have everything you need to move forward.”
…In times of sadness. “Aren’t you lucky to have had this gift? Not everyone gets this.”
…In times of compassion. “Be for yourself what you are for them.
…In times of forgiveness. “You can forgive others AND yourself at the same time.”
It really is possible to cultivate and maintain the peace and happiness you desire. It’s a decision away.
Don't settle for stuck. There is so much for you to do that doesn't include stuck! I developed a roadmap, “Eight Weeks to UNstuck. Creating a Life You Love.” Go to the link here, we can get you going together.
My client found this was true for him:
“I was at a crossroads in my life. I knew I needed to determine new directions, but I also needed the help to begin. Anne helped me take the noise out of my head, and become focussed on the areas that provided me with the momentum I was looking for. Our work together has helped me in both business and with my family relationships. I have a sense of growth. I believe in myself and my ability to navigate my future in a new way. I became very focussed on the work I was doing and where I wanted to go and who I needed to be to get here."-M.R. New York, NY