Have I Told You Lately?
It’s a beautiful song written years ago and recorded most recently by Rod Stewart. The truth is I think of you often. I know, I’m a weirdo! But seriously, when I sit to write these columns I think I am writing a letter to a dear one. If we have met, many of your faces come to me in such a gentle and kind way. I try to include little bite-sized nuggets for you to consider and digest.
Depending on the timing of the message, you have told me they have been fairly helpful, and I am glad. One of my people asked,”Are you following me around?” I don’t have to, I’m just right there with you. All the topics and musings I offer are very real for me as well.
So I got to thinking, how about a hug? We are always forging ahead, doing all that is expected including what we expect of ourselves (which can be a much higher bar,) taking care of people and details and plans. And I also recognize that the “busy” can be a good thing, also depleting.
All that is energy, and effort going out. Might it be nice to consider these thoughts, and let them sink in for you? I call them power sentences! Grab your cup of tea and contemplate my following hug for you:
There is no rush
All of your experience is the culmination of the elegant gifts you have assembled
No one else can do things the way you do
Dreams are necessary at every age
No one knows you better than you do
Listen to your instincts
You may think you are unnoticed, but I promise you many people are watching with admiration
You are making your own impossible goals happen
There is no perfect time
You are resilient and so worthwhile
You already have everything you need
Regrets can be heavy, a lighter you is available
You deserve respect from everyone especially yourself
Life can be difficult, and you are doing so well
I thought I would pepper in some quotes from others as well:
“Sometimes you just have to say YIKES and move on” - unknown..(but sounds a lot like Anne Lamott)
“Your future needs you, your past doesn’t.”- M.R.
“Be who you are and say how you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”- Dr. Suess
” Everyone has a chapter they don’t want to read aloud. Don’t let those pages write the rest of your story. Find the magic in them, and move on.”- Dani Dipirro.
You can never hear these messages enough. Hear them now. Live their example. Share them with your tribe. It will be so appreciated.
What are your power sentences? Hit reply and share them with me. I’d love to know!
If you’d like help putting together some power sentences for yourself, let me help you. Schedule a free call and check in with me. It’ll be fun to assemble them with you!
This from a client:
“Anne immediately made me feel at ease with her warm and light-hearted nature. Anne taught me how to forgive myself, and she helped me understand that we are all human beings with strengths and flaws. Through her good humor ~ you will laugh at least once, even if you are tearing up a bit ~ Anne will gently guide you into seeing how your own thinking manifests in the results in your life, and how you can slightly pivot thinking so you can the results in REALLY want. Thank you, Anne!” -SH Louisville, KY
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