Running on Empty?
In my world, there’s a lot of talk about investment. Not 401K Roth IRA, stocks and bonds. Investment meaning ownership, buy-in, skin-in-the-game.
I see people going all in at work, volunteering, helping friends & family, being all things to many. In fact they can be so busy it’s rather numbing. But look closer and too often you see they have put themselves at the end of the line. They are burned out. Empty of the sustaining traits they so abundantly hand out to others. Why is that?
I’m going to suggest they took the easy route. Yup I said it. These days it’s so easy to busy ourselves with a good crisis than to take a look at and invest in our own welfare. That sounds harsh. Sorry, not sorry! Running on empty is not sustainable, interesting or attractive. It has a martyr mentality, and it's a choice. Ouch!
I’d like you to consider another kind of investment. Your investment in you. The best and most successful people know this secret. Where are you on that scale? I am not talking about the vacations, bottles of wine, pedicures, binging a good novel, bubble bath type of self care (although I’m all for those too.)
I am talking about how you care for yourself as only you can. How you keep your mind right so you can clearly pursue all the big dreams you have for your life? It boggles my mind when I see people who are REALLY empty easily opt for items mentioned above, but would never invest in their own mental health journey. Instead electing (by default) to lug that heavy suitcase of regret, anxiety, shame, lack of confidence, troubled relationship, scarcity, overwhelm, inner critic, you get the idea.
Think of all the places you put your time, energy and money. Re-order your “budget” to prioritize your well-being. (Think of it as a regular tune-up. I’m guessing you do that for your CAR?) I promise you it will shave years off your misery and add a lightness you‘ve been missing.
I recently read this and now wish I had written it down so I could attribute it to the wise author. The gist of the thought was, “Your current struggles may not be of your doing. But it IS your responsibility to recover from them.” That’s magic. It gives you all the power in the timing of your rebound. No longer too busy and courageous enough to take action for yourself.
You know I’m a Tony Robbins fan. In his course Unleash the Power Within (UPW) he has a mantra:
“Now I am the voice…
I will lead, not follow…
I will believe, not doubt…
I will create, not destroy….
I am a force for good.
I am a leader.”
Be that for yourself. Step up my friends. You need to have skin in the game. Own your outcome. You cannot build on a platform that isn’t solid. Delight in the ordering of talents and skills that will make you bulletproof. You don’t need the camouflage anymore.
I KNOW you will. Share this with whoever needs to hear it. But listen closely to the whispers this has for you. As grandma used to say, “Now you're cooking with gas.
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