Determination. Do you mind?

I’m glad you are back. Last month I focussed on Inspiration as our theme. I explored inspirational quotes, your word for 2022, direction, optimism and permission. For February I thought the theme could be Determination. The combination of inspiration and determination packs quite a blow, do you agree?

What does the word determination bring up for you? My mind immediately pictures good friends who I admire. They are bright, focussed, tenacious, persistent and resolute. They are also creative, fulfilled, funny, curious and they don't quit. I learn so much from them.

But what I particularly notice is that these friends are good at managing their minds. By that I mean they are onto themselves. If something arrises that might deter them (get it deter, determination?? forgive me) from their desired outcome, they recognize it , examine it, and make adjustments to stay on track. Not too much of going down a rabbit hole for them. They don’t indulge in guilt, indecision, worry, anxiety, overwhelm, you get the idea. The awareness that they display is impressive. It’s not accidental and its available to you too.

One thing that I have learned in my Life Coach training is that your mind can be your best friend or a real pain in the neck. Have you heard the saying “the eye sees what the mind looks for?” Self-talk runs both ways. Did you realize that? This year I am determined to deepen my awareness about the stories my mind offers, and become a better steward of my thoughts.

Here’s a taste of what I am choosing:

  • Quality relationships equals a quality life, and that begins with me

  • I have good ideas

  • What’s wrong is always available, but so is what’s right

  • Don’t take myself too seriously (no one else does!)

  • I can be kinda cute!

  • There is no perfect time

  • All of my experience has lead me to where I sit today

  • Pay it forward

  • My dreams require courage, also discomfort

  • I don’t fail unless I quit

  • I’m gonna figure it out

What rings true for you? I love hearing from you. Tell me how determination shows up in your life. Determination is like a muscle. Let’s hit the gym together this year!

Grateful for you,



Have I Told You Lately?


Intention. You Lookin at me?