Encouragement. Take My Hand.
I think about you a lot. Seems weird I know. Some of you I know pretty well, my tribe. Some of you I know a bit, and others are new to me, I am so happy you are here.
I thought perhaps you could use some encouragement? Last week I talked about how confidence comes from skills and self-confidence comes from the knowledge that you have your “back” without evidence to feel that way. If you missed last week, drop everything and read that one!
12 weeks into the new year, and maybe you are running low on some motivation or steam. Let me help. Ready? Here you go, some simple truths from my heart to yours❤️
Stop beating yourself up. It isn’t polite. Besides, if being hard on yourself worked, it would have worked by now! Give it up!
Let go of your disappointments. Don’t wear them like a blanket. It won’t help. Instead take stock of what your emotions are doing, recognize them and then try again. I promise you’ll feel better.
Don’t wait for the “all clear” signal to be all in about who you are, what you do, what you love and your phenomenal next chapter. That external permission isn’t coming.
You’ve probably had to make some big decisions over the past few years of this pandemic. You made the right ones!
You're not for everyone. It’s ok, you’re not supposed to be (hard to believe I’m not though.) You are a genius that is only you. Unique and amazing. Not everyone can appreciate that part. It’s fine.
You are already amazing, whole and complete. Not for anything you’ve done, you always have been! It’s true!
Keep doing what it is that lights you up, our world could use the light, and you are just the person to deliver it! Now go get ‘em!!
Schedule a free mini-private session here.
Grateful for you,