Can We Talk?

Today I have three quotes, some thoughts  and a question. 

Quote #1:

“Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they are finished.”  -Dr. Daniel Gilbert.


I remember thinking “when I grow up…” thinking that at some point I will have arrived, and be all done.  My husband and I have dear friends who are a couple.  They have been so generous to us  over the years. Offering their experience raising children,  caring for  elders, elegantly navigating weddings, retirement, grandchildren, funerals. I always tell her “I want to be you when I grow up”.

They are a handsome couple, It seems they have it all figured out and all together, and I am sure they do, and also sure they don’t. And that’s the point. There is always more to learn. More to become. More to forgive, and more to offer. There is a beautiful humility in that. Get busy!

Quote #2:

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” -Jim Rohn.


Like playing tennis, surround yourself with better players, and your game will improve. Being around open minded, curious, bright and generous thinkers is so refreshing. Seek out wise people. Extra credit if they entertain an opposite point of view than you do. Learn why have the opinions they have,  think the way they do. Victimhood and blame are so boring and usually never true. Upgrade your posse!

Quote #3:

“The only way to make your present better is to make your future bigger.-Dan Sullivan.


This feeds off of quote #1 above.  It is never too late to become your best self. You know, that person you’d like to become? That life you’d like to live? That person with momentum and grace and flexibility. Who has speed bumps along the way, but wears them  with pride.  Who lives a peaceful and fulfilling life doing all the things that fill buckets of  connection and purpose and contribution. Start now!


To my midlife lovelies, you may have heard of the third act?  All of the “heavy lifting” is pretty much complete. Whatever your choices, marriage, career, children, home you’ve most likely dialed all of that in, and now what?

Double down! Crank up the volume. Surround yourself with others who are going places and open to sharing the journey. The cocooned safety of the life you know won’t take you where you want to go.

Where to begin.

Hire a coach. Like GPS,  a life coach can take clients from where they are, help them to define what the next act looks like,  and create a path going forward.  Once you see and feel what an aligned process offers, it becomes seamless.

Here’s how I can help:

Private coaching. If you are curious about options for that next chapter, let’s set it up to be everything you want it to be. Establish the crucial connection you need going forward to make it the most fulfilling,  purpose-driven time. Schedule a call  and I will demonstrate how  my private coaching program: Momentum that Matters; Creating a Life You Love   clarifies what you want and begins the process to getting there.


Why you don’t need the do-over!


Why You Need Vision