Some say beliefs are something written deep in the soul.
I don’t. Do you know why I don’t think that?
It’s because I have seen many clients with beliefs that are so unnecessary. Painful, unrelenting hurtful beliefs. Clinging onto them with white-knuckled fists while they just suffer. No thanks.
I know beliefs aren’t destiny. I have seen people dissolve into grateful tears when they realize their beliefs are in fact optional. I’ve watched their hearts open when they entertain another, kinder possibility instead of the well-practiced “doom” thought. All of the sudden that past doesn’t have as tight of a grip on them. Where there was only resignation before, there is now oxygen in the spaces of their life that want to grow.
Do you know what a belief is? It’s a well-practiced thought. That’s it, nothing more.
I have mentioned here in the past that our brain likes the well-practiced stuff. It equates what is known as safety. And keeping us safe is what the brain is made to do. Survival. But not misery.
It takes skill, and courage though. You have to have the emotional maturity and curiosity to ask:
What are these thoughts/ beliefs anyway?
Do I want to keep them?
What do I ultimately want to believe?
The goal is not to just swap out these unhelpful beliefs for sunshine and roses thoughts. The goal is to be onto them. To notice them and purposely redirect your brain. This is where the skill and courage come in. Good thing I’m here!
You can massage the thought into something that takes the teeth out of it, while putting it on notice. Unearth that default story. Recognize the painful belief as it comes up. Say to yourself, “I notice that I keep thinking I’m not good enough/smart enough/ thin enough/ successful enough/ respected enough (you get the idea) it’s just a sentence.”
Then ask, “What if that’s (belief) not true?” “What if it never was true?” And we’re off to the races! Being genuinely curious can open the door to alternatives that you have never considered. Let yourself off the hook, you don’t deserve that heartburn.
Be courageous enough (see what I did there?) to consider another approach. Let go of that sad story you keep telling yourself, it’s a loser but you're not!
Let’s get your brain offering you beliefs that will inspire you (and everyone who knows you.)
It’s your choice. You know where I stand on the subject.
Grateful for you,