A Taste of Freedom

“One of our greatest freedoms is how we react to things.” Charlie Mackesy The Boy the Mole, the Fox and the Horse.

My dear friend sent me this wise book. It’s a story about  a boy, a mole, a fox and a horse spilling the secrets of how to do life.  I have little post-it notes on many of the pages, as they ring so true for me.  The above quote especially. The minute I decided my reactions were solely my jurisdiction,  it felt like a tangle was released. In my world I talk a lot about that.

We get good at what we practice, and if the reactions you produce aren’t serving you, then stop defaulting to them.  Sounds easy, but it’s not.  This morning I was reading another book  (I’m a reader😜) about trauma, and a sentence jumped into my lap, “The greatest sources of our suffering are the lies we tell ourselves.” WHAT? So Good!

One lie is when we blame another for a feeling we have. “I was made to feel” are poisonous words I will never say, because it’s impossible and kinda cowardly.  It perpetuates victimhood. The only reason you feel anything is because of your interpretation ( thoughts) about something. It’s what you are making it mean that either has your shorts in a knot, or not!

Remember,  your thoughts create your feelings, your feelings create your actions, and your actions create your results. Simple right?  So what do you spend your time thinking about? Because that’s why you have the results you do!

This thought model was formalized by Brooke Castillo from The Life Coach School from which I received my certification (it’s basic cognitive behavior theory) and it's brilliant when applied to your brain and how you want to navigate your life.  

If it is indeed true that the greatest source of our suffering are the lies we tell ourselves, then this is very good news. Good news because those sentences in our head are of our making, and therefore can be altered.  I spend quite a bit of time teaching my clients solid concepts and skills around this.

I can help you unwind those stories in a way that will free you to consider a better result for yourself. And then we go about intentionally creating that. 

Charlie Mackesy was right, “One of our greatest freedoms is how we react to things.” Let’s go! 

Curious about what coaching is all about? Find me  here.


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