The Promises We Keep

I know you. You show up for others. You’d never purposely flake on a friend. So why don’t you rate the same attention from yourself? Not worthy? At the back of the line? Too exhausted? No one will notice?

Well let me tell you something. None of that is true. Those feelings come from a collection of stories we tell ourselves, We all do it.  I’m also guessing you’d never let anyone talk to a friend the way you sometimes talk to yourself. Let me offer you these thoughts to ponder, it’s my gift  to you, sent with love.

  • We are alive and have flowing seasons.

  • We are not meant for stagnation

  • Some of these times are warm and easy

  • Other times are cold and sharp

  • Pain, resentment and loneliness aren’t meant to last forever

  • Neither is bliss

  • We are not meant for perfection

  • Curiosity beats judgement

  • Your “flaws” are calling you, be curious

  • Something better can be available

During this time of year there is an effort towards renewal. What is your biggest challenge?  In one year, what one goal would you have liked to accomplish? Make that your promise to yourself, and go about keeping it. Put yourself at the top of the list, and watch what happens.


Decisions? Make ‘em!


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