Redesign. I like that word. You could also use change, transform, modify. But those words don’t have the romance for me that redesign does. For me it conjures intentional evolution. A course correction for growth, a becoming. A purposeful reach toward an informed outcome.
It’s exciting isn’t it? The idea of becoming someone on purpose? Do you know you can do this? Not only for yourself, but for your relationships too. Spouse, work, family. All can be redefined. AND no one else needs to change….yup you heard me right. You can redefine a relationship without waiting for hell to freeze over, so-to-speak😉 It begins and ends with what you tell yourself, maybe boundaries you set and not having a manual for others behavior.
Isn’t the highest version of you an awesome idea? Have you thought about what she/he looks like? Sounds like? Moves like? And the super fun fact about that is, once you have become that version, the next one is right around the corner. Built on top of the already awesome version you are now. A compound effect of betterness, experience and knowledge. And it just goes on from there.
If you don’t know how to progress or redesign, think about a big goal. Imagine it as already done. Then recant how you achieved it step by step. Get help with the parts you need to. Be sure to sprinkle in some impossible challenges too.
Remember our buddy Dan Sullivan says, and I'm paraphrasing,... “It’s not just the pursuit of the goal, but the byproduct of who you become in the process.” And believe me, there are many people paying attention. Your courage and innovation will be noticed (and dare I say appreciated.) What better gift than to provide this example?
If you’ve read this column for a while I’ve talked about the idea that there is no “right” or “perfect” time to begin these endeavors. So don’t wait for that to start your redesign. Heck hit reply and tell me of your redesign ideas. I’d love to cheer you on!
If this is compelling to you, I have a process that helps connect the dots. I can help! Click below and let's talk about your redesign.
Grateful for you,