Ingredients for a Good Rebound

When I was teaching I used to marvel at students that were just bulletproof. Nothing rocked them. The thought of becoming upset over something didn’t even enter their consciousness, (sadly even not doing their homework!) When do the children start to deviate from that innate confidence?

I guess without intentional care and thinking, the gift of tenacity can be eroded through the years. So explain why some people make it to adulthood and have it in spades, and others, zero? I’m amazed at my friends who continually encounter some very difficult life happenings and emerge with graceful perseverance. Thesaurus offers “chutzpah” as a synonym, I like that! No hiding under the bed for them. Here’s another favorite quote, ”A ship in the harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for.”-John Augustus Shedd. And neither are we!

Where does tenacity play in the case of failure? It’s the rebound mechanism. Last week I talked about humility in the same way. I view tenacity as a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes. When you have abundant tenacity the failures aren’t as troubling, because you KNOW how. And you are confident in your ability to recover. How do you channel that skill? Decide. That’s it. Tenacity and the things it brings are available to you now, but you need to work that muscle.

I like Tony Robbins, ( I swear sometimes he reads this weekly column, no? Yeah, probably right, he’s been at this mindset thing for decades, smart fella, and I quote him often.) Here’s a few from his teachings:

  • Life happens for you, not to you

  • Believe everyday I am getting stronger

  • All I need is within me now

  • I won’t buy into that limiting story

Do you recognize how he knits tenacity into each lesson? The subtitle for each could be,”get your own back.” Getting your own back is knowing that no matter what, you’ll be there for you. Not in a “screw you” way, in a “I got you” way. That’s an empowering thought. You can do this and still be compassionate toward others.

How’s your tenacity meter these days? Are you looking at external things like Covid, politics, sticky relationship as an excuse for your low meter ? Decide. Acknowledge your thoughts create your feelings, not the outside things, and own it. Oh I just saw your tenacity meter go up just then! Keep going, with this work everyday you DO become stronger, and STAY stronger. People will notice, I just did!

Take good care my friend.

If this is compelling to you, I have a process that helps connect the dots. I can help!

Grateful for you,



Watch Your Thoughts


Decisions? Make ‘em!